If you're an established, appointment based business I can probably use my artificial intelligence (A.I.) software to get you appointments on auto-pilot without you having to do anything.
Just pick out a time from my calendar below for when you're free and I can tell you in about 5-minutes if it will work for you. The whole call will take about 20 minutes.
One time I was sitting in a room with a small business owner who seemed like he was on the verge of a breakdown as he told me how frustrated he was that he didn't know how to get new customers in his business.
Another time my wife who told me how her friend was struggling because her husband's business just wasn't doing well. I called the husband and it was immediately clear he didn't know how to get customers - which is why his family was struggling financially.
My chiropractor was one of the coolest guys I'd ever known. But he struggled financially because he just didn't know how to get customers. He would tell me about what he was doing for marketing and it was always stuff that obviously wasn't going to work and was just a waste of money...but he didn't know.
A friend of mine was always bouncing from thing to thing trying to grow his business but none of it ever seemed to work and when he told me about what he was doing I was shocked he was getting any results at all.
"I am AMAZING at what I do (said with a little too much confidence in my opinion) but I just don't get marketing. I'm struggling because I don't know how to get customers."
Maybe you don't identify with this at all...but, then again, maybe you do.
Listen, marketing is simply a skill that can be learned...even by people that don't think they are "marketers."